"Do 10 for 10-10-10" Campaign Challenge

The FAMU Green Coalition is challenging Florida A&M University 
students, faculty and staff to make at least 10 changes to their 
lifestyles between now and Oct. 10, 2010 (or 10-10-10), to cut their 
impact on the environment. Examples include using a water bottle 
rather than bottled water, switching to CFL or LED lights, turning off 
computers when not needed, or printing on both sides of paper. Our 
collective efforts can make a big difference in cutting our carbon 
emissions, known as our "carbon footprint."

The "Do 10 for 10-10-10" campaign is part of an international effort 
to address the global climate crisis, initiated by 350.org. (To learn 
more about events around the globe, go to https://webmail.famu.edu/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.350.org).


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