FAMU Health Day

Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Inductions

Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, Inc. 

Undergraduate students must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours (4 courses) in History, achieve a minimum GPA of 3.1 in History, and have a GPA of 3.0 or better overall. Membership is not limited to History majors.
Graduate students should have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours towards their Master's Degree in History, and have a GPA of better than 3.5.
Please read the attachment for further instructions and deadlines.
For further information contact Prof. Darius Young at darius.young@famu.edu.

Itinerary for Mr. Henry Kirby - Candidate for Vice President for Student Affairs

                               CAMPUS VISIT ITINERARY 
                                 OCTOBER 26-27, 2010

                                   Mr. Henry Kirby 
        (NOTE:  All campus meetings will be held in the Band Recital Hall)

5:30 p.m.                       Dinner Meeting with Search Committee
8:15 a.m.                       Meet Dr. William Hudson, Jr. in 308 FHAC
8:30 a.m.                       Campus Tour
10 a.m. - 11 a.m.               Meeting with Student Body 
                                LOCATION:  Band Recital Hall

11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.         Meeting with Deans, Directors, Faculty and Staff 
                                LOCATION:  Band Recital Hall

12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.          Lunch 
1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.           Meeting with Student Affairs Associate Vice Presidents 
                                   and Directors 
                                LOCATION:  Band Recital Hall

3 p.m. – 4 p.m.                 Meeting with President’s Leadership Team 
                                LOCATION:  Band Recital Hall

4:30 p.m.                       Candidate’s Departure

A Homecoming Celebration of the Arts at the Foster-Tanner Fine Arts Gallery

Foster-Tanner Fine Arts Gallery will celebrate the gallery's latest  
> dual exhibits, "Diaspora: Cultural Insight Through the Leo P. Sam  
> Art Collection" and "The Color of Music: Blues and Jazz Themes,  
> Paintings by Joe Roache," on Friday, Oct. 29 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.  
> This will be a chance to meet the artist and collector and see the  
> artwork at the gallery.
> On Sunday, Oct. 24, to kick off Homecoming, the gallery will open  
> its doors from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. for a preview and screening of the  
> exhibit's video production at the gallery.
> Leo Sam, FAMU's former vice president for University Relations, has  
> been collecting art internationally for more than 50 years.  While  
> collecting art during his travels, he has amassed a large art  
> collection that he has generously opened the doors of his home to  
> share with students and colleagues alike.  He has also acquired art  
> from some of the universities he has worked for during his career,  
> including FAMU and Xavier University.
> In addition to exhibiting such well-known artists in Sam's exhibit,  
> the show, "Diaspora: Cultural Insight Through the Leo P. Sam Art  
> Collection," was a collective effort created by Professor Aja  
> Roache's art merchandising fall 2010 class where students learn the  
> various aspects of art museum and gallery management by working  
> towards the production of the Foster-Tanner Fine Arts Gallery's Fall  
> exhibit line-up.
> Joe Roache has taught art and worked at FAMU for nearly 40 years all  
> while creating, exhibiting and selling his art around the country.   
> His latest series of paintings has consisted of images of blues and  
> jazz musicians while incorporating his own visual language of rural  
> southern landscapes and symbols such as houses and quilts.
> Some of Roache's work will be on sale while in the gallery.
> These exhibits are intended to provide an opportunity for students  
> to study, view and interpret the art in terms of its cultural  
> significance as well.
> During Homecoming, the Foster-Tanner Fine Arts Gallery's goal is to  
> pay homage to the past, present and inspire the future visual  
> artists and art lovers of FAMU as well as the Tallahassee community  
> at-large.  Though the exhibits are different in subject matter, they  
> both reveal the richness of the visual arts of black artists and  
> FAMU's long and outstanding legacy of visual artists.

National Day On Writing

Please share your writing with the nation by submitting your works to the Writing Resource Center's online gallery: http://galleryofwriting.org/galleries/49942.  The Writing Resource Center also invites you to attend the activities listed below:
Friday, October 22 -- 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Step Write Up to the Mic (Open Mic Session)
Featuring Voices Poetry Troupe
Faculty, students and staff read their original works (poems, stories, essays) and receive feedback from a supportive audience of family, friends, colleagues, and peers.  All participants are encouraged to submit their writings to the Writing Resource Center's Online Writing Gallery-- "Living in Words: The FAMU Experience," located at
http://galleryofwriting.org/galleries/49942 <https://webmail.famu.edu/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://galleryofwriting.org/galleries/49942>.
All sessions will be held in the FAMU Writing Resource Center, Tucker Hall, Room 124.
For more information, call (850) 599-8391 or visit www.famu.edu/wrc.

Homecoming Convocation

Get Out The Vote Tallahassee

Are you ready to get involved? We all know that this election is very important and
we, as a generation are committed to changing the direction of our country.

In order to make that change, we need to move into action!
Please join us Saturday, October 23 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, in the FAMU Multipurpose room next to the Grand Ballroom as we team up with other organizations in our community to plan our concert and rally at the Capitol while phone banking and dorm storming to educate hundreds of students in Getting Out the Vote!

• What: Get Out The Vote Tallahassee Leadership Empowerment
• When: October 23,2010 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
• Where: Florida A & M University Multipurpose Room next to the Grand Ball Room
• Why: Empower and get student out to vote during the 2010 midterm elections

Door knocking might sound scary, but it's actually a lot of fun! It's great opportunity to meet new people and talk with them about issues that affect all of us and meet other student leaders.

Talking to students face to face is the most effective way to bring new people into the political process.  Let's turn out in record numbers this election!

Please R.S.V.P by sending a text to Reamonn Soto at 850 228 5379 today if you can make it. We need to have a count of folks so we know how many packets to make and how much food to bring.
Are you ready to get involved? We all know that this election is very important and
we, as a generation are committed to changing the direction of our country.

In order to make that change, we need to move into action!
Please join us Saturday, October 23 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, in the FAMU Multipurpose room next to the Grand Ballroom as we team up with other organizations in our community to plan our concert and rally at the Capitol while phone banking and dorm storming to educate hundreds of students in Getting Out the Vote!

• What: Get Out The Vote Tallahassee Leadership Empowerment
• When: October 23,2010 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
• Where: Florida A & M University Multipurpose Room next to the Grand Ball Room
• Why: Empower and get student out to vote during the 2010 midterm elections

Door knocking might sound scary, but it's actually a lot of fun! It's great opportunity to meet new people and talk with them about issues that affect all of us and meet other student leaders.

Talking to students face to face is the most effective way to bring new people into the political process.  Let's turn out in record numbers this election!

Please R.S.V.P by sending a text to Reamonn Soto at 850 228 5379 today if you can make it. We need to have a count of folks so we know how many packets to make and how much food to bring.

Meek Madness!

Night Out For Breast Cancer

College of Law Students Win Major 'Do 10 for 10-10-10' Prizes

10-10-10 Campaign

Florida A&M University Law School students won 25 individual awards as  
well as the first-place team prize as the "Most-Sustainable College/ 
Department/School" in the FAMU Green Coalition's "Do 10 for 10-10-10"  

About one-sixth of the 667 student entries in the competition came  
from the College of Law in Orlando. And every one of those students  
signed a letter to elected officials, urging them to support clean- 
energy legislation and sustainable practices. Eighty-six faculty,  
staff and administrators also signed pledges, including Dr. James H.  
Ammons and members of his leadership team.

A team from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, all of who  
signed a letter urging candidates in the upcoming election to address  
the effects of the climate crisis, won in the faculty, staff and  
administrator category. Both the student and the faculty/staff/ 
administrator teams will receive a $100 gift certificate from Publix.

A total of 89 prizes are being awarded to student pledgers, which  
means students had a 1 in 7.5 chance of having won something.  
Fifteen prizes are being awarded to faculty, staff and administrators.  
All prize winners are listed at www.famugreencoalition.com under the  
"10-10-10" tab.

Prizes may be picked up between 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through  
Wednesday, Oct. 18-20, in the School of Journalism & Graphic  
Communication, Room 3031.  Special pickup arrangements can be made by  
calling (850) 561-2765.

FAMU Health Day Letter!

Athletics Fall Festival

Fall Final Exam Schedule

Death Row Exoneree Panel

Annual Homecoming Parade

The Annual Homecoming Parade is scheduled for Saturday, October 30 
beginning at the intersection of Macomb and Georgia Streets. The Parade
will kick-off at 8 a.m. with staging of all entries to begin at 6 a.m.

Monetary Awards
                                                            1st Place                      $500
                                                            2nd Place                     $300
                                                            3rd Place                      $200
Each of the following are considered one (1) entry for the parade:

Marching Band (Free)
Float + primary towing vehicle ($100)
Walking elements - maximum of 25 people ($100)
Car/Van/Motorcycle elements - maximum of four vehicles $150

(FAMU student clubs/organizations are required to pay a registration fee of $25 per group. However, if the club/organization wishes to compete for the monetary awards, they are required to pay appropriate fee listed).

Deadline for submission of your application, with applicable fee (money order) made payable to FAMU AROTC will be October 22, 2010.  (NO PERSONAL CHECKS).

For more information, contact the Army ROTC Department at 599-3515 or 


"Friday Night Strikes."

Tonight at Bragg Memorial Stadium parking lot, the Rattler Booster
Office will host its annual "Friday Night Strikes." The event will begin at
6 p.m. with visits made by Coach Taylor and the FAMU Rattler football team,
the FAMU Cheerleaders, the FAMU Jr. Cheerleaders, Venom, St. Mary Primitive
Baptist Church Dance Ministry, Divine Praise Dancers, Images Modeling
Troupe, Rampage Step Team, Elite Dancers, Positive Generation Entertainment,
the Divine Praise Dance Ministry, Educated Hustlers and many more. This
event is hosted by the Gamma Alpha Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
The Block Party starts at 8 p.m. and music is provided by DJ "Byron J."
The Kidz Zone and horseback riding will be available for the younger crowd.
There will also be opportunities for FAMU Students to win FREE apartment
living for one full year at a Student Housing Solutions apartment with the
FAMU Football Toss. Chances to win two tickets to the Florida Classic and a
weekend stay in Orlando will also be available.
Let's Support our Rattlers!
See you at Bragg Memorial Stadium!




October is Cyber Security Awareness month!
Florida A&M University joins other state and federal government entities as well as private organizations to promote October, 2010 as the 7th annual National Cyber Security Awareness Month. National Cyber Security Awareness Month is part of a campaign organized by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and backed by the Department of Homeland Security.
This year's them and unifying message is "Stop. Think. Connect".
The need for protection stems from the virus threats, keystroke logging programs, and spyware that exist today. To increase awareness about computer security, EIT and the Office of Communications is proud to endorse National Cyber Security Awareness Month, a national campaign to bring attention to the shared responsibility of national cyber security every October.
Cyber attacks permanently damage your computer, and cyber predators can steal your personal information and use elements of your identity to commit fraud. Be proactive and play your part to protect your identity and your data!
As part of the promotion of Cyber Security Month, EIT has upgraded the Password Manager system to empower all users to manage their personal password. If you know your password, you are ready to go. Setup your profile and change your password today at


The EIT Helpdesk will no longer be changing your FAMNET ID password. Helpdesk assistants will only be issuing pass codes to users that have forgotten their password or their password has expired. These pass codes will allow users to set up their Password Manager Profile so they can manage their own password! Setting up your profile ensures that you have autonomy in updating your password.
All users MUST setup their Password Manager Profile and reset their password by OCTOBER 31, 2010 in order to maintain access the FAMU systems (iRattler, FAMU Wireless Net, FamMail). Make sure you do this today so you are ready for early registration that starts on November 1, 2010!
Do you know your current FAMNet ID password?
Yes! GREAT! You can register and create your profile with Password Manager NOW! It's easy!
Go to Password Manager and follow these simple steps:
  • Enter your FAMNet ID and Click Next

  • Click on Register with Password Manager and enter your FAMNet ID password

  • Configure your Questions and Answers Profile and Click Finish (Remember to chose answers that are easy for you to remember but hard for anyone else to guess)
You will receive an email from ssprm@famu.edu confirming that you have set up your user profile. You can now use your questions and answers profile to change your password in the future. Even when you have forgotten it or it has expired!
It's as easy as 1 2 3!
If you know your current password, go to Password Manager
  • Enter your FAMNet ID and current password and click next

  • Enter your new password then re-enter it for confirmation

  • Click finish. Your new password is ready to use immediately!
If you do not know your FAMNet ID Password OR your FAMNet ID password has expired and you do not have your Password Manager profile set up, call or visit the EIT helpdesk at the Commons. EIT is ready to assist you with setting up your Password Manager Profile today!

Grab Life By the Horns. Take Charge and Set
Up your Password Manager Questions and Answers Profile Today!

FAMU Health Day!

Paint it Orange and Green" on Purpose - Breast Cancer Awareness

Employee Appreciation Pre-Game Rally

Attention All Rattlers!
You are cordially invited to come out and show your Rattler pride during the Employee Appreciation President's Pre-Game Rally at the Employee Club House located at 2414 South Adams Street prior to the start of our football game against Savannah State University. The rallies have traditionally provided an opportunity for members of the FAMU community to socialize prior to kickoff of all home football games. This week's rally will take place from noon - 2 p.m.
An appearance and brief comments from President James H. Ammons is scheduled and food will be provided. Performances by the Marching "100", University Cheerleaders and FAMU Jr. Cheerleaders are also scheduled. Corporate sponsors for the rally include Sodexo, Gallon & Son's, Tri-Eagle Sales and Coca Cola Bottling Company.
For more information please call the Office of Communications at 599-3413.

Spring Break Abroad

The Spring Break Abroad Reservation deadline has been extended.

University of Michigan Interest Meeting - Imes-Moore Fellowship Bridge Program

FAMU Community,
Dr. Cagliyan Kurdak and Charles Sutton, from the Applied Physics and
Imes-Moore Fellowship Bridge Program at the University of Michigan, will be
visiting Florida A&M University on October 19th to talk to students who may
be interested in the area of Applied Physics.  They will give a presentation
about the Imes-Moore Fellowship Bridge Program and other research
opportunities at the University of Michigan.  Lunch will be provide lunch
and students will be given an opportunity to engage one on one regarding
their specific interests with the representatives. Please encourage all
students in the areas of physics, engineering, mathematics, material
sciences and biology to attend.

Schedule Meeting: University of Michigan Imes-Moore Fellows Bridge Program

Place: Room 450, Alfred Lawson, Jr. Multipurpose Center and Teaching Gymnasium

Time: Students will meet at 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (Lunch Provided)
For additional information is needed, please contact the School of Graduate
Studies & Research at 599-3505.


Florida A&M University
Enterprise INFORMATION Technology Division
Announces its first

In Fall 2010, The Commons will feature a state of the art computer lounge equipped with a full service IT Help Desk. We are calling all currently enrolled students from all Colleges and Schools to enter our E.I.T. Student IT Lounge Art competition to assist with the decoration of this lounge.
 A total of three (3) winners will be selected:
First place prize: Apple iPad, Second Place: Apple iPod, Third Place: $50 gift card
1.      Artists must submit intriguing pieces of artwork that encourage students to respect their student lounge and encourage students to take pride in their new space.
Each artwork must incorporate at least 3 out of the four themes below:
a.       No Eating or Drinking
b.      Respect University Property
c.       Respect your peers
d.      Rattler Pride
e.       No Littering

2.      All submissions must be postmarked or hand delivered by the owner to our office, 303 Lee Hall 1601 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32307, by October 22nd , 2010
a.       Please include a page with your name, address, e-mail, telephone and student id number along with the title, dimensions and medium of the artwork
3.      Each submission must be original and unpublished works of art
4.      Submissions may utilize any form of art that can be hung on the wall- sculptures, print making, painting, collage etc., with dimensions of minimum 22”x30” and maximum 36”x48” and a maximum weight of 50lbs
5.      Each artist will be able to submit up to 3 pieces of artwork
6.      The top 3 winners will be announced Homecoming Friday, October 29th, via FAMU Info and 90.5. Their artwork will also be proudly displayed in The Commons, IT Lounge
7.      All winning artworks will become the property of FAMU EIT
For additional information, please contact Reiko Mitchell 850.599.3559 or Ayana Matthews at 850.412.7990.

Help us decorate your space!

Paint Orange and Green!

Ombuds Awareness Day

The Office of the University Ombuds invites you to the “Set” to find out more about YOUR Ombuds Office and its benefits. 

Assessment Strategies for Public/Community Services Workshop

Write Your Way Up!

Write Your Way Up! 
A Celebration of the Writing Process 
and the National Day on Writing
Brought to you by the FAMU Writing Resource Center
(A Title III Activity)
Come join us, October 18-21, 2010, as we celebrate the importance of writing in the professional world with our 4th Write Your Way Up! Series.  Throughout this exciting week of activities, we encourage the University community to compose, revise, and review original works (essays, poetry, stories, poems, songs, letters, etc.) and then submit them to the Writing Resource Center’s Online Writing Gallery: “Living in Words: The FAMU Experience,” located at http://galleryofwriting.org/galleries/49942. We also invite the community to attend one or more of our workshops and forums listed below:
Monday, October 18; 12:20 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Write for Hire: A Resume, Curriculum Vitae, & Cover Letter Workshop
Tuesday, October 19; 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. 
The Write to Speak:  A Forum on Writing and Public Speaking
Wednesday, October 20
The National Day on Writing!
For more information on the National Council of Teachers of English’s (NCTE’s) National Day on Writing, visit http://www.ncte.org/dayonwriting.
Wednesday, October 20; 12:20 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
The Write to Research: A Faculty Forum on Research & Writing 
Faculty from various departments discuss how they transform their research projects into publications.
Thursday, October 21; 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. 
Write Your Life: A Personal Statement Workshop
Friday, October 22; 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Step Write Up to the Mic (Open Mic Session)
Featuring Voices Poetry Troupe
Faculty, students and staff read their original works (poems, stories, essays) and receive feedback from a supportive audience of family, friends, colleagues, and peers.  All participants are encouraged to submit their writings to the Writing Resource Center’s Online Writing Gallery-- “Living in Words: The FAMU Experience,” located athttp://galleryofwriting.org/galleries/49942.
All sessions will be held in the FAMU Writing Resource Center, Tucker Hall, Room 124.
For more information, call 850-599-8391 or visit www.famu.edu/wrc.

Emerging Leaders Summer Internship Program for College and Graduate Students with disabilities

Dear Students:

The Emerging Leaders summer internship program for college and graduate students with disabilities for 2011 is
This program offers paid summer internships at many of America's
leading corporations.  These companies are members of the National
Business & Disability Council (www.nbdc.com <
http://www.nbdc.com/> ) and
are proactive in recruiting qualified people with disabilities.
To be considered for an internship, a student must be an enrolled
undergraduate or graduate student, who has completed at least 60
credits, and is maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA.  More information can be
found on the web site at www.emerging-leaders.com
http://www.emerging-leaders.com/> .
*****Please note:  the application deadline is December 31, 2010*******
For your convenience, an Emerging Leaders Student
brochure and a flyer is attached.
For more information, contact the FAMU Center for Disability Access and Resources

Florida A&M University
Division of Student Affairs
Center for Disability Access and Resources
667 Ardelia Court
Tallahassee, Florida 32307

850) 599-3180 (Main Line) 
(850) 561-2513 (Fax)

(850) 599-3180 (Main Line) 
(850) 561-2513 (Fax)


Black College Spring Break Cruise

Black College Spring Break Cruise, sponsored by SGA and Campus Recreation is scheduled for March 6-12, 2011. 

Black College Ski Weekend

Black College Ski Weekend, sponsored by SGA and Campus Recreation is scheduled for January 21-23, 2011. 

CeDAR Cinema Presents: "The Soloist"

October is Disability Awareness Month. During this month, the Center for Disability Access and Resources (CeDAR) with the Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., will host the 2nd Annual CeDAR Cinema. This year we will show the critically acclaimed film "The Soloist." The Soloist is a 2009 American drama film directed by Joe Wright, and starring Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. The screenplay is based on the book, The Soloist by Steve Lopez. The film is based on a true story of Nathaniel Ayers, a talented musician who develops schizophrenia as a young man and becomes homeless.
An open discussion will ensue after the movie led by FAMU Psychology Professors. Attendees will also be provided information on schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Join us for popcorn, soda and other movie theatre treats.
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. 
Location: Perry-Paige Auditorium
For more information contact the Center for Disability Access and Resources at (850) 599-3180.
Faculty members, if you are considering bringing your classes please let us know so that we can plan accordingly. 

"Do 10 for 10-10-10"

Lady Rattlers Volleyball Action

Come out and support your LADY RATTLERS, as they take on the South Carolina State Bulldogs in Volleyball action this Friday.  The LADY RATTLERS are looking to STRIKE in the Alfred Lawson, Jr. Multipurpose Center and Teaching Gym at 7 p.m.

On Sunday, the LADY RATTLERS will be in action again, against the North Carolina Central Eagles at 3 p.m.  Come out and catch these exciting matches.  CHOOSE TO STRIKE WITH US!!!!!!!!

HPV Study Invitation

The School of Nursing is looking for women and men interested in learning about "decreasing the incidence of viral sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
If you are interested in participating, please continue to the following link:

Arthur Thompson Scholarship

Arthur Thompson Scholarship

Attention Rattlers!
Applications are now available in the Office of Communications, Room 103 Lee Hall to FAMU students interested in applying for the Budweiser Arthur Thompson Scholarship. Applications are also available online under the Office of Communications. The scholarship is a $2,500 award for FAMU students that are graduates of Big Bend area High Schools.  The Big Bend region includes Gadsden, Leon, Jefferson, Madison, Liberty, Wakulla, Taylor, Lafayette and Franklin Counties. The next scholarship is effective January 2011 and covers two semesters, Spring and Fall. Students applying for the scholarship must maintain a 2.5 grade point average prior to receiving the award. The student must also be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours. All applicants are screened by the scholarship committee prior to selection of the recipient.  Applications should be submitted to the Office of Communications, c/o Lawana King, Suite 103 Lee Hall by 5 p.m. on October 19, 2010.
For more information please call Brian Lucas or Lawana King at 599-3413.

National Achievement Finalist recipient of FAMU's Life-Gets-Better Scholarship

National Achievement Finalist recipient of FAMU's Life-Gets-Better Scholarship

FAMU freshman, Ralph Jones Jr., a 16 year old from Atlanta, Ga. turned down offers to Howard, Fort Valley State, Morehouse, Stanford, and Harvard to attend FAMU. With an SAT score of 2,120 out of 2,400, it is understandable how he was admitted to the top institutions in the United States.

Jones is a National Achievement Finalist recipient of FAMU's Life-Gets-Better Scholarship. Jones was awarded $120,000 in scholarships, which includes a stipend, tuition and fees, room and board, books and a laptop.

Being a member of a family who has a three-generation history of attending Fort Valley State University and parents who are educators, Jones feels that his childhood played a huge role in his development.

“My background growing up is a little different,” said Jones. “My parents are both educators. My mother is a first grade teacher and my dad was a college professor for some time. Needless to say, a large focus was on education in my house.”

By the time Jones was four-years old, he was adding, subtracting, dividing, reading at the ninth grade level and doing basic algebra.

As impressive as Jones’ ability to learn at a young age may seem, he continued to excel by setting a record of having the highest SAT scores in the past five years at his high school.

Jones’ former SAT math prep teacher and FAMU alumnae Kemberlee Pugh Binghamchallenged her students by promising them an “A” in her class if they scored high on the SAT test. As a junior in high school, Jones scored a 1,910. The following year, he increased his SAT scores by more than 200 points.

When Jones shared his score with Bingham, she immediately inquired what college he planned to attend.

“When I first told her, she was excited,” said Jones, a mechanical engineering student. “One thing I can say about FAMU alumni is that they will lobby for their school. Before I knew it, she had gone over to her FAMU billboard and gave me a brochure on the Life-Gets-Better Scholarship, which was the first time I heard of the scholarship. She was like ‘Baby did you know you can go to FAMU for free for four years with a full scholarship and a computer?’ and I was like ‘no ma’am.’”

The following year, Jones attended the recruitment fair that FAMU hosted in Atlanta, Ga., where he felt the energy in the room as President James H. Ammons began to articulate the Rattler Charge.

“When Dr. Ammons got up, he began to say ‘When the dark clouds gather over the horizon’ there was this atmosphere of tension and I knew something was going to happen,” said Jones. “I did not know exactly what; it was very exciting. Then suddenly you heard hissing from all over the room and you saw people with fingers in the air and that is when you start to feel it. I was like wow! This is something bigger than what I could have expected.”

During the award ceremony, Ammons awarded Jones with a $120,000 scholarship for four years along with a list of other incentives. It was Jones first scholarship before he learned about being selected as a National Achievement Scholar.

“Everything that I have worked for has helped me earn my place here,” said Jones. “I am going to earn my right to stay here and when I graduate, I am going to have earned my degree.”

Provided by Rattlernation:

Men, this is your opportunity to be heard!!!

Man Talk

Men, this is your opportunity to be heard!!!
Come participate in Man Talk, an interactive discussion group designed for FAMU male students of all ages and classifications.  
Use this opportunity to improve your communication skills, network and gain insight on issues relevant to you.
Our next session is this Thursday, October 7, 2010 from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. in Gibbs Hall; and every other Thursday there after until November 18. 

Dow Chemical Full-time and Internship Positions

Dow Chemical Full-time and Internship Position

Dow Chemical Full-time and Internship Positions - Summer 2011: Email resume by Monday, October 11, 2010
The Dow Chemical Company has internship and full-time opportunities at its corporate headquarters in Midland MI and selected U.S. locations.  A large number of positions are posted at www.dowcareers.com.
Aligned with Dow's belief that a diverse and inclusive culture is elemental to success as a company, Dow is committed to the recruitment and development of top talent, including individuals with disabilities. DiverseAbility LLC works with Dow to bring forward qualified candidates. This partnership has resulted in more than 30 internships in recent years, as well as full-time positions.
To further enhance its pool of qualified applicants, Dow is interested in receiving applications from college students, graduates and experienced candidates with disabilities; who meet the eligibility requirements for internships or full-time positions.
For consideration through this outreach effort, interested applicants must  submit a resume in the following manner:
(1)    Email to DiverseAbility LLC at kmmccreedy@chartermi.net, and
(2)    Through your campus placement office, if you're enrolled at a school where Dow recruits.
A minimum requirement for U.S. based positions is the ability to work legally in the United States on a permanent basis.  Applicants who do not indicate they have the necessary work authorization will not be considered for a U.S. based position. For most positions, a minimum GPA of 2.7 is required, with GPA of 3.0 preferred.  Resumes without a GPA listed will not be forwarded.
For internships, qualified college students must have completed 60 credit hours of course work at the time of the internship, majoring in a discipline from which Dow hires. 
Please indicate any accommodations you would need for the application and interviewing processes. Applicants may, but are not required to, self-identify as a qualified individual with a disability. The Dow Chemical Company and its subsidiaries are equal opportunity employers.
To maximize consideration for 2011 summer internships, email resume by Monday, October 11, 2010.
Not sure if Dow Chemical is a good fit for you?
Call or email Kathy McCreedy today - kmmccreedy@chartermi.net or (989) 631-8867.  I've worked at Dow in a wide range of positions and believe each person has to find the job and company that is the right fit.  Let's talk, and see if Dow might be that company for you.    
If you would like this announcement as a pdf or in alternative formats, please email me with request.
Kathy McCreedy, MA, CRC
DiverseAbility LLC
(989) 631-8867
www.DiverseAbility.com <http://www.diverseability.com/
DiverseAbility is a registered service mark of DiverseAbility LLC