Annual Homecoming Parade

The Annual Homecoming Parade is scheduled for Saturday, October 30 
beginning at the intersection of Macomb and Georgia Streets. The Parade
will kick-off at 8 a.m. with staging of all entries to begin at 6 a.m.

Monetary Awards
                                                            1st Place                      $500
                                                            2nd Place                     $300
                                                            3rd Place                      $200
Each of the following are considered one (1) entry for the parade:

Marching Band (Free)
Float + primary towing vehicle ($100)
Walking elements - maximum of 25 people ($100)
Car/Van/Motorcycle elements - maximum of four vehicles $150

(FAMU student clubs/organizations are required to pay a registration fee of $25 per group. However, if the club/organization wishes to compete for the monetary awards, they are required to pay appropriate fee listed).

Deadline for submission of your application, with applicable fee (money order) made payable to FAMU AROTC will be October 22, 2010.  (NO PERSONAL CHECKS).

For more information, contact the Army ROTC Department at 599-3515 or 


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