Emerging Leaders Summer Internship Program for College and Graduate Students with disabilities

Dear Students:

The Emerging Leaders summer internship program for college and graduate students with disabilities for 2011 is
This program offers paid summer internships at many of America's
leading corporations.  These companies are members of the National
Business & Disability Council (www.nbdc.com <
http://www.nbdc.com/> ) and
are proactive in recruiting qualified people with disabilities.
To be considered for an internship, a student must be an enrolled
undergraduate or graduate student, who has completed at least 60
credits, and is maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA.  More information can be
found on the web site at www.emerging-leaders.com
http://www.emerging-leaders.com/> .
*****Please note:  the application deadline is December 31, 2010*******
For your convenience, an Emerging Leaders Student
brochure and a flyer is attached.
For more information, contact the FAMU Center for Disability Access and Resources

Florida A&M University
Division of Student Affairs
Center for Disability Access and Resources
667 Ardelia Court
Tallahassee, Florida 32307

850) 599-3180 (Main Line) 
(850) 561-2513 (Fax)

(850) 599-3180 (Main Line) 
(850) 561-2513 (Fax)



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