Get Out The Vote Tallahassee

Are you ready to get involved? We all know that this election is very important and
we, as a generation are committed to changing the direction of our country.

In order to make that change, we need to move into action!
Please join us Saturday, October 23 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, in the FAMU Multipurpose room next to the Grand Ballroom as we team up with other organizations in our community to plan our concert and rally at the Capitol while phone banking and dorm storming to educate hundreds of students in Getting Out the Vote!

• What: Get Out The Vote Tallahassee Leadership Empowerment
• When: October 23,2010 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
• Where: Florida A & M University Multipurpose Room next to the Grand Ball Room
• Why: Empower and get student out to vote during the 2010 midterm elections

Door knocking might sound scary, but it's actually a lot of fun! It's great opportunity to meet new people and talk with them about issues that affect all of us and meet other student leaders.

Talking to students face to face is the most effective way to bring new people into the political process.  Let's turn out in record numbers this election!

Please R.S.V.P by sending a text to Reamonn Soto at 850 228 5379 today if you can make it. We need to have a count of folks so we know how many packets to make and how much food to bring.
Are you ready to get involved? We all know that this election is very important and
we, as a generation are committed to changing the direction of our country.

In order to make that change, we need to move into action!
Please join us Saturday, October 23 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, in the FAMU Multipurpose room next to the Grand Ballroom as we team up with other organizations in our community to plan our concert and rally at the Capitol while phone banking and dorm storming to educate hundreds of students in Getting Out the Vote!

• What: Get Out The Vote Tallahassee Leadership Empowerment
• When: October 23,2010 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
• Where: Florida A & M University Multipurpose Room next to the Grand Ball Room
• Why: Empower and get student out to vote during the 2010 midterm elections

Door knocking might sound scary, but it's actually a lot of fun! It's great opportunity to meet new people and talk with them about issues that affect all of us and meet other student leaders.

Talking to students face to face is the most effective way to bring new people into the political process.  Let's turn out in record numbers this election!

Please R.S.V.P by sending a text to Reamonn Soto at 850 228 5379 today if you can make it. We need to have a count of folks so we know how many packets to make and how much food to bring.


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